Hello! Thank you for taking some time to check out my Blog! My name is Karen Proctor-Adams and I am a Photographer in North Carolina!

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Spending the day with Cayla...

Today I spent the day with Cayla. I asked her if she'd be my model for the day, plus I wanted to hang out with her before she left for school. We headed up to Marshall Mesa, up near Boulder. Cayla sucked up the hot weather and all of the crazy BUGS for me! My legs were torn up by the end of the day and I was a little toasty...which I needed a little color anyway:)

Cayla started off wearing the white dress with the shiny red earrings and bracelet. We stayed out there until we were hungry and couldn't take much more of the heat!

We headed to Panda Express when we left Marshall Mesa. Surprisingly I was able to down a whole plate of Chinese food without getting sick! It was quite delicious!
That morning I picked out a bag full of clothing for Cayla, because she had so many cute things. I'm sure she was glad we only did two more tops after we left Marshall Mesa! We went to the Westin for the those two. Luckily there was a small little spot of shade to crash under for a few of the shots! There was also this cute little bunny that was hanging around. He wanted to get in on the action, so I had to take a couple shots of him.
Cayla had a hard time playing the role of a "punk." I think she pulled it off:) If she wasn't wearing a heart ring I'd be afraid....
We were both pretty tired once we got to Cayla's house. I was so hot and tired I jumped in the pool before I headed home. I had an awesome time spending and catching up with Cayla! I'm so excited for her and all the new adventures that are about to take place. Cayla's family has really been a blessing in my life since I've been in Colorado! Hopefully I'll get to take a weekend and visit her when she's in CA!

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