Hello! Thank you for taking some time to check out my Blog! My name is Karen Proctor-Adams and I am a Photographer in North Carolina!

Twenty Two Photo wants to be a part of your life: Weddings, Families, Babies and everything in-between!

Please feel free to send an email to
karen@twentytwophoto.com! I look forward to hearing from you!

Scroll down to check out what's going on at Twenyt Two Photo and my personal life...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Yes, I'm back....

It will be a while before I have another photo blog, because I don't have the interent on my laptop right now!

I arrived back in the good oh N.C. today! I'm running off about two hours of sleep and I lost my keys. Other than that I'm just fine! Hope everyone gets to spend quality time with their family and friends over the Holiday's!

Look forward to seeing some of you soon!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Crested Butte

I spent the night up at Crested Butte last weekend. It took me 5 hours to get there (because the roads were bad) and only 3 hours back! It was a nice little get away. I went snowboarding, worked on Christmas gifts, and relaxed! Here's a few images I took while on the trip!

All nature shots were taken while I was driving. Being a Photographer can be a risk taking job:)

After snowboarding I headed down the mountain to my hotel. The hotel was cozy and had the aroma of apple cinnamon. It had that nice smell of winter! I enjoyed homemade cookies and a cup of hot tea when I arrived.

A few silly shots of me and my new snowboarding coat...

You can see that my stuffed animals tagged along with me in this journey, which they usually do:)